Jam.py Application Design Tips


Welcome to Jam.py! If you are new to Jam.py or no-code, low-code or more-code Web application development, this is the place to find some tips about the Jam.py.


Installing Python and Jam.py, choosing the database and the Web server and making Application Design decisions.


Web development enthusiasts or developers, with a limited or no experience with the Web development, or deployment.


Some Python and JavaScript knowledge is recommended. The general knowledge about the Command Line prompt, and typing the commands is required.

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The PDF is built instantly after every commit into the repository. Hence, some data on this site might be older than the PDF.

How is the documentation organised

This Documentation follows official Jam.py documentation, keeping similar concepts and looks:

Development Checklist topic touches on some development principles. We also mention on differences between Django and Jam.py.

Application Design topic discusses Jam.py design terminology, authentication thoughts, etc.

“How-to” guides, here you’ll find short answers to “How do I….?” types of questions.

“How was Demo built?” guide, here you’ll find my take on how was Demo built.

MS Access migration to Jam.py tips.

Users application screenshots.

Acknowledgements to everyone involved in producing this document or helping with Jam.py.