Northwind Traders
The application lives here:
If the Application Export is downloaded from the above link, ie. to try the application by yourself, the first thing needed is to install Python libraries.
Providing the is already installed and a new application created, please execute below for Windows before Importing the downloaded file:
py -m pip install rfm pandas matplotlib numpy password_strength faker faker_food
Or Linux:
pip install rfm pandas matplotlib numpy password_strength faker faker_food
The Northwind template has some VBA attached to it. It is a fairly simple code from the migration point of view. Below is the approximate process:
The template was uploaded to to give us all tables and data needed for the project.
All tables were imported into the Application Builder from the provided link after the upload. Since there are a few tables with no Primary Key, this are the candidates for the Lookup List or tables:
For this exercise, we decided to add the Primary Key for the above tables, instead of making the Lookup Lists. The only Lookup List created in the beginning of migration was for Purchase orders and Orders tables, Payment Method field. Which in Access has hard coded values as Cash, Check and Credit Card information (in the sense of exporting the data into a csv):
Payment Method
The Payment Method is the VARCHAR Type in MS Access. Hence, to be able to use a Lookup List, it was changed to INTEGER after the Import, and pointed to a created Lookup List.
Which opens a question: how to migrate the hard coded text to a Lookup List or even a table? A bit latter about that.
Virtual Table
The biggest challenge was implementing the Inventory List MS Access SQL query as a Virtual Table, since the query is quite large:
SELECT Products.ID AS [Product ID], Products.[Product Name], Products.[Product Code], Nz([Quantity Purchased],0) AS [Qty Purchased], Nz([Quantity Sold],0) AS [Qty Sold], Nz([Quantity On Hold],0) AS [Qty On Hold], [Qty Purchased]-[Qty Sold] AS [Qty On Hand], [Qty Purchased]-[Qty Sold]-[Qty On Hold] AS [Qty Available], Nz([Quantity On Order],0) AS [Qty On Order], Nz([Quantity On Back Order],0) AS [Qty On Back Order], Products.[Reorder Level], Products.[Target Level], [Target Level]-[Current Level] AS [Qty Below Target Level], [Qty Available]+[Qty On Order]-[Qty On Back Order] AS [Current Level], IIf([Qty Below Target Level]>0,IIf([Qty Below Target Level]<[Minimum ReOrder Quantity],[Minimum Reorder Quantity],[Qty Below Target Level]),0) AS [Qty To Reorder]
FROM ((((Products LEFT JOIN [Inventory Sold] ON Products.ID = [Inventory Sold].[Product ID]) LEFT JOIN [Inventory Purchased] ON Products.ID = [Inventory Purchased].[Product ID]) LEFT JOIN [Inventory On Hold] ON Products.ID = [Inventory On Hold].[Product ID]) LEFT JOIN [Inventory On Order] ON Products.ID = [Inventory On Order].[Product ID]) LEFT JOIN [Products On Back Order] ON Products.ID = [Products On Back Order].[Product ID];
SELECT [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID], Sum([Inventory Transactions].Quantity) AS [Quantity Sold]
FROM [Inventory Transactions]
WHERE ((([Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type])=2))
GROUP BY [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID];
SELECT [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID], Sum([Inventory Transactions].Quantity) AS [Quantity Purchased]
FROM [Inventory Transactions]
WHERE ((([Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type])=1))
GROUP BY [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID];
SELECT [Purchase Order Details].[Product ID] AS [Product ID], Sum([Purchase Order Details].Quantity) AS [Quantity On Order]
FROM [Purchase Order Details]
WHERE ((([Purchase Order Details].[Posted To Inventory])=False))
GROUP BY [Purchase Order Details].[Product ID];
SELECT [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID], Sum([Inventory Transactions].Quantity) AS [Quantity On Hold]
FROM [Inventory Transactions]
WHERE ((([Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type])=3))
GROUP BY [Inventory Transactions].[Product ID];
SELECT [Order Details].[Product ID] AS [Product ID], Sum([Order Details].Quantity) AS [Quantity On Back Order]
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE ((([Order Details].[Status ID])=4))
GROUP BY [Order Details].[Product ID];
The above SQL will work only in MS Access. Of course, developing a completely new SQL is possible for any database provider. Jam can use any SQL within the Server Module, however we will demonstrate a pure Jam way of doing it.
Here is the JS and Python code, respectively, replacing the need for SQL. The button Purchase was added just like it exists on MS Access.
The important JS function is:
- on_after_open()
As this JS function is taking the result of get_rows Server Module function, it is placed in on_after_open
. This is important to understand,
because in formal Documentation it is sparsely mentioned. Most of the time, the on_after_open
is used with Master/Detail views.
We will touch base more about this function letter on, since it is extremely important to understand how to use it properly.
There is a topic How to link two tables in the Docs, which I would also encourage to visit.
function on_view_form_created(item) {
item.paginate = false; = false;
if (!item.lookup_field) {
var email_btn = item.add_view_button('Purchase', {image: 'icon-pencil'}); { purchase() });
function on_after_open(item) {
item.server('get_records', function(records) {
records.forEach(function(rec) {
item.product_name.value = rec.product_name;
item.target_level.value = rec.target_level;
item.quantity_on_hold.value = rec.quantity_on_hold;
item.quantity_on_order.value = rec.quantity_on_order;
item.quantity_on_hand.value = rec.quantity_on_hand;
item.quantity_purchased.value = rec.quantity_purchased;
item.quantity_sold.value = rec.quantity_sold;;
function on_edit_form_created(item) {
var title = 'Purchase ';
item.edit_options.title = title;
.on('click', function() {
function on_field_get_html(field) {
let item = field.owner;
if (field.field_name === 'quantity_on_hand') {
let color = 'green';
if (item.quantity_on_hand.display_text < 30) {
color = 'red';
return '<span style="color: ' + color + ';">' + field.display_text + '</span>';
Next is the Server Module code:
The Python code needs a lot of explanation for a would be Python developer. In short, we are looping through three SQL statements, and not six as in MS Access. All of this is to populate the list res
and to return the information back to JavaScript function.
Each SQL statement can be recognised by set_where
- set_where()
def get_records(item):
res, inventory = [], product = [], ''
product = item.task.products.copy()
#product.set_where(id=41) # here we can specify just one item for testing['id', 'product_name', 'target_level'],
group_by=['id'], order_by=['id'])
for p in product:
allocated_inventory = 0
target_level = 0
product_id =
target_level += product.target_level.value
order_details = item.task.order_details.copy()
order_details.set_fields('product_id', 'status_id', 'quantity')
#order_details.set_where(product_id=product_id, status_id=4); # here we can specify just one item for testing
order_details.set_where(product_id=product_id);['product_id', 'quantity', 'status_id'],
funcs={'quantity': 'sum'},
group_by=['product_id'], order_by=['product_id'])
for i in order_details:
quantity = 0;
transaction_type = 0
quantity_sold = 0
quantity_purchased = 0
quantity_on_hold = 0
quantity_on_hand = 0
quantity_on_order = 0
quantity_on_back_order = 0
inv_transactions = item.task.inventory_transactions.copy()
inv_transactions.set_fields('product_id', 'transaction_type', 'quantity')
inv_transactions.set_where(product_id=product_id, transaction_type__in=[1,2,3])['product_id', 'transaction_type', 'quantity'],
funcs={'quantity': 'sum'},
group_by=['transaction_type'], order_by=['product_id'])
for i in inv_transactions:
if inv_transactions.transaction_type.value == 1:
quantity_purchased += inv_transactions.quantity.value
if inv_transactions.transaction_type.value == 2:
quantity_sold += inv_transactions.quantity.value
if inv_transactions.transaction_type.value == 3:
quantity_on_hold += inv_transactions.quantity.value
quantity_on_hand = quantity_purchased - quantity_sold
purchase_order_details = item.task.purchase_order_details.copy()
purchase_order_details.set_fields('product_id', 'posted_to_inventory', 'quantity')
purchase_order_details.set_where(product_id=product_id, posted_to_inventory=0)['product_id', 'quantity'],
funcs={'id': 'count'},
group_by=['product_id'], order_by=['product_id'])
for i in purchase_order_details:
quantity_on_order = purchase_order_details.quantity.value
'product_name': i.product_id.display_text,
'target_level': target_level,
'quantity_on_hold': quantity_on_hold,
'quantity_on_hand': quantity_on_hand,
'quantity_purchased': quantity_purchased,
'quantity_sold': quantity_sold,
'quantity_on_order': quantity_on_order
return res
What was achieved with the above Python code is portability. It will execute against any database provider. However, the performance was not great. Hence, it was decided to develop the SQL instead of the above code.
The set_where function deserves the separate topic though. For now, it is similar to specifying WHERE clause in SQL.
The SQL developed is much faster than the above code and runs on all supported databases as well:
p1.ID AS ID,
p1.Product_Name AS Name,
(SELECT SUM(od.quantity)
FROM order_details od
WHERE p1.ID = od.product_id AND od.status_id = 4),
0) AS quantity_on_back_order,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 1),
0) AS quantity_purchased,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 2),
0) AS quantity_sold,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 3),
0) AS quantity_on_hold,
(SELECT SUM(po1.quantity)
FROM purchase_order_details po1
WHERE p1.ID = po1.product_id AND po1.posted_to_inventory = 0),
0) AS quantity_on_order,
p1.target_level AS target_level
FROM products p1
GROUP BY p1.ID, p1.Product_Name, p1.target_level ORDER BY p1.ID
As seen, this was the iteration process from a quite large Access SQL, to a much smaller SQL.
Hence, we replace the Server Module code from the above with a new one containing the above SQL:
def get_records(item):
res = []
rows = []
err = ''
sql = """SELECT
p1.ID AS ID,
p1.Product_Name AS Name,
(SELECT SUM(od.quantity)
FROM order_details od
WHERE p1.ID = od.product_id AND od.status_id = 4),
0) AS quantity_on_back_order,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 1),
0) AS quantity_purchased,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 2),
0) AS quantity_sold,
(SELECT SUM(it1.quantity)
FROM inventory_transactions it1
WHERE p1.ID = it1.product_id AND it1.transaction_type = 3),
0) AS quantity_on_hold,
(SELECT SUM(po1.quantity)
FROM purchase_order_details po1
WHERE p1.ID = po1.product_id AND po1.posted_to_inventory = 0),
0) AS quantity_on_order,
p1.target_level AS target_level
FROM products p1
GROUP BY p1.ID, p1.Product_Name, p1.target_level ORDER BY p1.ID"""
rows = item.task.execute_select(sql)
for r in rows:
quantity_on_hand = 0
if r[3] and r[4]:
quantity_on_hand = r[3] - r[4]
quantity_on_hand = 0
'product_id': r[0],
'product_name': r[1],
'quantity_on_back_order': r[2],
'quantity_purchased': r[3],
'quantity_on_hand': int(quantity_on_hand),
#'quantity_on_hand': str(quantity_on_hand),
'quantity_sold': r[4],
'quantity_on_hold': r[5],
'quantity_on_order': r[6],
'target_level': r[7]
return res
This is it. We now have a fully functional replacement for MS Access SQL. The effort in writing the Python code and the SQL was pretty much the same, except SQL is much faster.
Or is it?
Slow Virtual Table?
The SQL is fast. However, the on_after_open
, or simply put, displaying the data is not. This is because for every single record added, deleted, or modified, the controls (DOM elements that display the data), are data aware! Which means checked and appropriately updated for every-single-row.
And that is adding a significant delay.
So what do we do? We “disable” the controls temporary, while we’re “filling” the table. We “enable” the controls after finished.
We do that with:
- disable_controls()
- enable_controls()
In the official Demo, the same principle is used when Tax
field is modified to recalculate all Items tax on Invoice.
The final on_after_open
looks like this:
function on_after_open(item) {
item.server('get_records', function(records) {
item.disable_controls(); // <-- disable DOM controls
try { // <-- try is a bast practise with JS
records.forEach(function(rec) {
item.append(); = rec.product_id;
item.product_name.value = rec.product_name;
item.target_level.value = rec.target_level;
item.quantity_on_hold.value = rec.quantity_on_hold;
item.quantity_on_order.value = rec.quantity_on_order;
item.quantity_on_back_order.value = rec.quantity_on_back_order;
item.quantity_on_hand.value = rec.quantity_on_hand;
item.quantity_purchased.value = rec.quantity_purchased;
item.quantity_sold.value = rec.quantity_sold;;
finally {
item.enable_controls(); // <-- enable DOM controls
This concludes the Virtual Table used for the Inventory List. We should be able to build a Dashboard as seen on the MS Access template Startup:
- Inventory to Reorder
- Active Orders
Using a DB Views
It is absolutely possible to use the DB Views instead of Virtual Tables.
The smaller SQL would need to be modified for quantity_on_hand
However, because the SQL is executing on the server side, we did not see any benefits
with using the SQL view for this example.
Master/Details Edit
In order to implement Master/Details functionality, the PO Detail and Order Detail Group Item was created, and the related tables were imported into this Item Group. This enables the functionality to add Detail to any Master table for viewing and editing.
Master/Details View
For Master/Details View only, with no need for editing, there is no need to do anything special other than to add a code to display the Details for a Master table.
Below is the code which will display for each Supplier the relevant Purchase Order as Details:
function on_view_form_created(item) {
if (!item.lookup_field) {
item.table_options.height -= 200;
item.purchase_orders = task.purchase_orders.copy();
item.purchase_orders.paginate = false;
item.purchase_orders.create_table(item.view_form.find('.view-detail'), {
height: 200,
summary_fields: ['submitted_date', 'purchase_order_id'],
var scroll_timeout;
function on_after_scroll(item) {
if (!item.lookup_field && item.view_form.length) {
scroll_timeout = setTimeout(
function() {
if (item.rec_count) {
else {
Here we showing the difference with code used for ie Suppliers and Customers. It is the similar functionality to display Orders as Details for each Customer:

As seen, almost the same code is used for all Master/Details Views for Products, Employees and Shippers. It is really simple to add an Detail table to a Master table when knowing the Primary Key.
Lookup Lists
There are many Drop down lists we could move to a Lookup List, for example for Order Details table Status ID field has:
On Order
No Stock
Or, as already mentioned, Purchase orders and Orders table Payment method field:
Payment Method
However, this usually means splitting the table in two tables, Orders and Payment_method for the Lookups. Or adding a Lookup List Payment Method and pointing payment_method to it. Which changes TEXT to INT in the Builder, and stores INT in the database.
In legacy applications, ie. Imported tables from live system, first option is not possible due to table changes. However, second option is not possible either, because it will store the INT in a table!
The solution is to store the TEXT in tables, as this is acceptable for Imported tables:
function on_field_changed(field, lookup_item) {
let item = field.owner;
if (field.field_name === 'payment_type') {
item.payment_type.value = field.display_text;
function on_edit_form_created(item) {
if (item.payment_type.value === 'Credit Card') {
item.payment_type.value = "Credit Card";
else if (item.payment_type.value === 'Cash') {
item.payment_type.value = "Cash";
else if (item.payment_type.value === 'Check') {
item.payment_type.value = "Check";
We still need a Lookup List ie. “Payment Type” with the values, but the stored value is TEXT, and not INT.
This is where Python and JavaScript shines and the chapter almost needs a separate article, due to Python and JavaScript libraries introduction. To name a few, the application is using Python libraries pandas, matplotlib, numpy, RFM and JavaScript is using PivotJS and ChartJS.
Bulk update, insert or delete
The Orders table has a Data Pump option which will insert a number of records, and update the relevant rows in the database. In addition, the Purchase Orders table has the same as well as Products table.
To Be Continued…